About The Last Penny Dreadful

One quiet Sunday afternoon, local nobody C. D. Harris sailed along the Florida coast. The next thing he knew, Harris woke up dead and confused on the beach. Viewing death as just an extension of his dull, uninteresting life, he decided simply to go home. That is, until a ancient and powerful hunger washed over him. This hunger drove him up along the beach, searching for something and not knowing what. Finally, he found it – an old, decrepit journal which contained lost knowledge of a brutal war. In its center was the author of the journal himself, an immortal madman named Kane, who only wanted to be left alone. Upon reading the journal, Harris knew that there were more books to find. With a newfound purpose in life, he set out to discover just what became of Kane, and if the “Corpse War” ever truly ended.

One comment on “About The Last Penny Dreadful

  1. Rav says:

    This is awesome. Your writing style is awesome, I laughed out loud numerous times and caught a few confused wayward gazes. Keep writing!


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